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  • charlaschafer

Governor Reynolds Visits MCC to Learn about Fueling the Future

As THE Community’s College, collaborating with community partners to improve the lives of local families is in our DNA. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds recently got a first-hand look at the way Eastern Iowa Community Colleges, specifically Muscatine Community College, is working with nearly a dozen other Muscatine organizations to help low-income families obtain job training that leads to high-demand jobs.

It’s all part of a new pilot project called “Fueling the Future,” and Reynolds sat down with all of the local organizations involved to learn more about it during a round-table discussion held at MCC’s campus. The pilot targets adults in low-income families of elementary-aged children receiving weekend “backpack” food subsides in Muscatine and engages them in a six-week intensive “learn while you earn” upskill training.

“In addition to the training, the program helps provide housing support, financial literacy education, food assistance, childcare and an Economic Navigator who will act as a resource and advocate for families,” MCC President Naomi DeWinter said. “We’re all coming together as a community and really wrapping our arms around a child and their entire family to provide success and stability.”

For families living in poverty, it’s often hard to make the choice to pursue additional education and training that leads to better opportunities. Inconsistent transportation options, lack of flexible, affordable daycare and work schedules can all create barriers. What this program does is eliminate those barriers, providing a safety net so families can take the time to further their education.

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